Monday, February 7, 2022

New Media Component - Skype! (week 3)

    Undoubtedly, our lives began changing since contemporary media tools influenced the world. Real-time chat tools are one of the important portions of such tools to draw attention. A prime example of the aforementioned technologies would be Skype.


 Skype was founded in 2003 by Niklas Zenström, Janus Friis and four Estonian developers. Skype was a revolutionary technology that enabled instant telecommunication between 2 or a group of people. Before Skype was invented, video calls were not publicly achieved yet, and the only mean of instant communication over distance was possible through cell phones. Indeed, there were a number of attempts until Skype, but it was the first application that publicized videotelephony. In the view of Covid-19, let's just imagine that such a pandemic would have begun before the invention of Skype (videoconferencing). Since all should stay home and video calls have not been achieved yet, distance education, online business meetings, and many more would be impossible. Moreover, videoconferencing also increases efficiency, money, and attendance, and saves time.

   So, thanks to the creation of Skype, video calls became a handy factor in the rapidly growing world. 

REFERENCE: [Source of the image]

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