Wednesday, April 6, 2022

“A Fool Gets Beaten Even At Church” (an Estonian Proverb) (week 10)

   Most probably, the concepts, technology, training, and policy that form the basis of the Mitnick formula are the most highlighted сyber defense notions. Studying and providing their proper implantation is vital for any organization and the states. Now, it is time to look at the execution of mentioned conceptions in my country Azerbaijan. 

   According to the report "Azerbaijan CyberSecurity Governance Assessment" provided by the author Ms. Natalia Spinu, 42% of Azerbaijan's PC users have faced cyber threats from hardware components - memory cards and hard drives to software. In the second quarter of 2019 Kaspersky has found 7500 malware and halted 380 000 attempts aimed the users to direct to phishing websites. Unfortunately, from the technological perspective, Azerbaijan has not reached that decent level. Likewise the other developing countries, Azerbaijan is also becoming dependent on the use of ICT applications and services. 

   The first quarter of 2020 has also witnessed Azerbaijan entering the top-10 countries that are exposed to the Ciphering-Trojan Stealing Malware. In the spring of the same year, Azerbaijan has been subjected to attacks that were mainly based on the Energy sector from both the state and private sectors. Sadly, these statistics say that Azerbaijan is being exposed to cyber-attacks and there is a lack of cyber responsibility from the government side. This is also a fact the Azerbaijani government has been developing its IT infrastructure. Since Cyber-security is mandatory for nearly all sectors; administrative, sociological, technical, political, military, and so on, the development of Cyber Defense Infrastructure for a state, especially a developing state like Azerbaijan becomes blatant again. Hopefully, the same report says that the Azerbaijani government is making attempts to develop its Cyber facilities.

   Training well-versed cyber security specialists has been a goal for Azerbaijan in recent years. There are also being opened new Cyber Security faculties at the best IT-taught universities of Azerbaijan. They are mainly targeting training specialists for defending the sectors having special state importance. 

   To sum all up, Azerbaijan has been exposed to a myriad of cyber attacks in recent years and the state is trying to develop its Cyber Defense facilities on policy, training, and technology - the Mitnick formula's elements.



I have looked for some sources, but this is the only one I considered to be the best. That is the reason why there is a source, not more.

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If a person has control over any function, it can also be used to control the computer (Week 14)

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